ExSitu organizes workshops to allow us to dive deeper into specific research topics of interest.
We also run Masters-level courses on Interaction Design.
Creative Tools for Thought
While generative AI (GenAI) unlocks new creative possibilities, it also raises critical questions about agency, sensemaking, interpretability, and expressivity. Our focus is on creativity and interaction design from human-computer partnership and the fundamentals of interaction perspective. Creative Tools for Thought is a collection of creativity support tools that we developed—both with and without GenAI. Through these tools, we explore how technology can enhance creative processes with different angles to augment human creativity.
Comparative Structured Observation
What happens when your design concept is already well established and you want to see whether or not your design is on the right track, or which of several design variants makes most sense to users? You are not interested in testing a hypothesis, but instead, you want gather focused, useful feedback from users that either supports your current design direction or helps you decide what to change. This course presents a qualitative method called Comparative Structured Observation (CSO) (Mackay & McGrenere, 2025) which takes advantage of the structure of controlled experiments to generate comparable, ecologically relevant experiences with two or more design variants.
Master Class: Generative Theories of Interaction
This Master Class explores how "generative theories of interaction" can transform theories about human behavior from the natural and social sciences into "actionable principles" that suggest simpler yet more powerful forms of interaction. We begin by describing two existing theories -- instrumental interaction and co-adaptive systems -- practice applying them to the design of a novel interactive system. We then address the more challenging problem of how to transform an existing theory into a generative theory of interaction.
DOIT - The Design of Interactive Things (CHI23)
The Design of Interactive Things teaches participants how to quickly and effectively design innovative interactive systems from the user's perspective. Intended for both UX designers and HCI researchers, the course provides coherent overview of the interaction design process, followed by detailed descriptions of four key design methods: Story Interviews, Video Brainstorming, Video Prototyping, and Generative Design Walkthroughs. Working in small groups, participants will apply these methods and to design and present a video prototype of a novel interactive system, using materials and tools provided in the course. These methods have been extensively tested in both industry and research settings, and are especially appropriate for participatory co-design with users.
Note: The full site is accessible to students signed up for the course during CHI'23.
2020 Advanced Design of Interactive Systems (ADIS)
The prerequisite for the Advanced Design course is the HCI Bootcamp, which values understanding the overall design process, speed and effective collaboration. It builds upon the techniques in the HCI Bootcamp, but emphasizes participatory design to actively involve users throughout the design process.
Grading will be based on your ability to identify key design problems from the user's perspective and your creativity in generating a solution that is inspired by design principles, especially co-adaptation and instrumental interaction.
2020 Design of Interactive Things (DOIT)
This introductory course provides a systematic approach to interaction design, with over 20 design methods that emphasize efficient and effective collaboration as you create and reuse design resources.
This is not a programming course. Instead, students work in groups of four to design, evaluate and redesign an interactive system in the form of a video prototype that meets the needs of real users, in a real setting.
Attendance and class participation is essential. The exercises build upon each other, and all are required to complete the final project. Students will present their final video prototype to an external jury.
2019 HCI Bootcamp
The HCI Bootcamp introduces a systematic approach to interaction design, with over 20 design methods that emphasize efficient and effective collaboration as you create and reuse design resources.
This is not a programming course. Instead, students work in groups of four (or three) to design, evaluate and redesign an interactive system in the form of a video prototype that meets the needs of real users, in a real setting.
Attendance and class participation is essential. The exercises build upon each other, and all are required to complete the final project. Students will present the final video prototype to an external jury.
2019 Advanced Design
The prerequisite for the Advanced Design course is the HCI Bootcamp, which values understanding the overall design process, speed and effective collaboration. It builds upon the techniques in the HCI Bootcamp, but emphasizes participatory design to actively involve users throughout the design process.
Grading will be based on your ability to identify key design problems from the user's perspective and your creativity in generating a solution that is inspired by design principles, especially co-adaptation and instrumental interaction.
2017 ERC CREATIV Workshop 2
The second annual ERC CREATIV workshop was held on May 31 - June 1, 2017 at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris. The goal is to deepen our understanding of the basic principles of co-adaptive systems, instrumental interaction and substrates, and brainstorm how we can extend them in new directions, taking advantage of the particpants' existing research with creative professionals.
Rethinking Interaction - CHI 2018
This one-day workshop offers an interdisciplinary forum for researchers interested in challenging the fundamental assumptions that underlie today's graphical user interfaces. We will build upon existing design principles, such as instrumental interaction and co-adaptive systems, to rethink how to create productive human-computer partnerships.
2018 ERC CREATIV Workshop 3
The third ERC CREATIV Workshop will be held from 23 may to 25 may 2018 at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris. The purpose of this hand’s-on session is to deepen our understanding generative design approach for supporting creative activities, instrumental interaction and substrates, and brainstorm how we can extend these principles in new directions, taking advantage of the participants' existing research with creative professionals.
2018 HCI Bootcamp
Welcome to the HCI Bootcamp!
This course focuses on design methods—how to quickly and effectively design an interactive system. Over four days, students will produce a scenario-based video prototype of a new system, based on needs from real users, and then redesign it to address new situations and breakdowns.
Note: Class attendance and participation is essential!
Exercises build upon each other and are required to successfully complete the final project. -