Master Class: Generative Theories of Interaction
This Master Class explores how "generative theories of interaction" can transform theories about human behavior from the natural and social sciences into "actionable principles" that suggest simpler yet more powerful forms of interaction. We begin by describing two existing theories -- instrumental interaction and co-adaptive systems -- practice applying them to the design of a novel interactive system. We then address the more challenging problem of how to transform an existing theory into a generative theory of interaction.

This Master Class is organized into two parts. The first includes lectures that will help participants understand two generative theories of interaction –– instrumental interaction and co-adaptation –– through lectures and associated activities. Participants will also learn about how to apply these theories by analyzing and crititiquing an existing system (Google Slides) using these theories, and then using them to generate a novel interactive system that embodies these theories.
The second part explores how to create a new generative theory of interaction from an existing theory from either the social or natural sciences.
Preparation: Before attending the Master Class, please:
• Read: Generative Theories of Interaction
• Watch: StickyLines
• Watch: Octopocus
• Watch: Fieldward
• Watch: Expressive Keyboard
• List of principles: Instruments and Co-Adaptation
• Master Class slides (part 1): Introduction, Co-Adaptation
• Master Class slides (part 2): Instrumental Interaction
• Editing sequence: Using the Fill Color command
Wednesday, 10 July
-- 08:30 Breakfast
-- 09:00 Introductions
-- 09:15 Generative Theories of Interaction
-- 09:45 Instrumental Interaction
-- 10:45 Break
-- 11:15 Analysis and Critique
-- 12:00 Lunch
-- 13:00 Co-Adaptation
-- 14:00 Analysis and Critique
-- 14:30 Reconstructing Google Slides
-- 15:30 Break
-- 16:00 Generating Generative Theories
-- 16:15 Discussion: Designing Actionable Principles
-- 17:15 Final Debriefing
-- 17:30 End
Places & directions
Location: MIT Stata Center (32 Vassar Street, Building 32)
Room: Patil/Kiv (32-G449)
When you enter the building, take the elevators by the cafe set along the blue wall up to the 4th floor.
Exit into the lobby, turn right, and head down the corridor.
The Patil/Kiva room is at the end past the stairway on your left hand side and the courtyard on the right.