
December 22nd, 2023

During Design Project 1, all assignments are submitted via email to Arnaud Prouzeau
During Design Project 2, all assignments are submitted via email to Tove Grimstad Bang

The weekly progress reports should be short and concise (only about one page) and explain your project progress through short paragraphs or bullet-points of the outcome of your work, and images and sketches of your design work, when applicable.

We highly recommend using one working document for your weekly progress reports, in order to keep an overview of the design process throughout the course. Good software for such use are e.g. miro or dropbox paper. You are free to use whatever tool you want. For the weekly progress report, you then extract one page in pdf format for submission.

While the progress reports serve as a way for us to prepare feedback, you should still be prepared to describe your progress in detail during class on Friday. Apart from that, the collection of progress reports will support you in your writing about the design process.

Design Project 1

Assignment: Main Content: Deadline:
Week 1 – Form Groups Submit this form with information about your group and topic 12 Jan 23:59
Week 2 – Progress Report Interviews or other outcomes of engaging with users TBA
Week 3 – Progress Report Design ideas and defined concept TBA
Week 4 – Progress Report Paper prototypes (OBS: of several of your design ideas) TBA
Week 5 – Progress Report Lo-fi prototype TBA
Week 6 – Progress Report High fidelity prototype TBA
Week 7 – Presentation Submit your presentation slides. More info here TBA
Week 7 – Pictorial More info here TBA

Design Project 2

Assignment: Main Content: Deadline:
Week 9 – Progress Report Progress from week 8. Content will differ between projects 20 Mar 12:00
Week 10 – Progress Report Progress from week 9. Content will differ between projects 27 Mar 12:00
Week 11 – Progress Report Progress from week 10. Content will differ between projects 3 Apr 12:00
Week 12 – Progress Report Progress from week 11. Content will differ between projects 10 Apr 12:00
Week 13 – Progress Report Progress from week 12. Content will differ between projects date TBA 12:00
Week 14 – Presentation TER & Design Project 2: Submit your presentation slides. More info here 24 Apr 12:00
Week 14 – Paper TER & Design Project 2: Submit your paper by email to Ouriel Grynszpan & Tove Grimstad Bang. Refer to email from Ouriel for details.) 29 Apr 13:00