
December 22nd, 2023

All groups submit their presentation slides by 23 Feb 12:00 and inform Tove what equipment they need for their system demo.

The presentations will be 15 minutes long.

The presentations must include:

1. Concept and motivation

● Introduce your concept
● Problem statement/"research questions"/the motivation for your design

2. Target user description and solution overview

Summarize the outcomes of your engagement with users:
● Who are the users?
● How did you engage with users?
● What did you learn from it?
● How did you bring the lessons learned into the design work?

3. Design Process

Walk us through the story of how you went from an idea, to a design concept and finally an interactive system, explaining the design decisions made at each step throughout the design process. Tell your story with the support of materials such as:
● Sketches of early design ideas
● Sketches/diagrams of the design concept
● Prototypes at different stages as they develop
● Annotated photos of interactive system

What was implemented and what was mocked up?

4. Demo

We recommend demoing the interactive system through a scenario illustrating the user interacting with the interface.

Ideally live, but can also be pre-recorded (in part).

Complexity and novelty of interactive system.

5. Discussion

End your presentation with a short summary of how your system addresses your problem space & match user needs.

Here you can also bring up potential constraints or clarifications on the functionality of the system.