
2025 Fundamentals of Situated Interaction


Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
Wendy Mackay

M1, M2, PhD

Fundamentals of Situated Interaction applies the principles of substrates, instrumental interaction and co-adaptation to the design of interactive systems.


Fundamentals of Situated Interaction is designed for advanced students in Human-Computer Interaction.
The course deconstructs the concept of interaction, and then uses the principles of Substrates, Instrumental Interaction and Co-Adaptation to generate innovative interactive systems.

Please note: The course website and its content are solely for students enrolled in the 2024-2025 Masters program at Université Paris-Saclay. The instructors' material (slides and audio recordings) may not to be distributed without the author's written consent, and copyrighted materials (such as articles) are only made available under the fair use exception to copyright law.


Class meets every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 12:00 (9am - noon) in room E212 PUIO Building.
Note that attendance is required, since you will need time to accomplish all the assignments. Let us know in advance, if possible, if you will be late or cannot attend a session.

Thu 08 Jan Objects, Substrates and Instruments
Thu 15 Jan Generative Theories of Interaction
Thu 22 Jan Lo-fidelity prototypes
Tue 29 Jan Co-adaptation
Thu 05 Feb Generative walkthrough of lo-fidelity prototypes
Thu 12 Feb High-fidelity prototypes
Thu 19 Feb Final presentations


Workspace & group reports