
Carla Griggio

Title: Ph.D student
Advisor: Wendy Mackay

I'm a 3rd year Ph.D student under the supervision on Wendy Mackay. I'm very interested in how people appropriate technology, how they use it in surprising ways and how they adapt it and adopt it to make it more their own.

PhD Thesis

I'm studying how people communicate via multiple mobile apps, and how we can design for app ecosystems rather than for individual, isolated apps. I'm mostly interested in how close relationships (e.g. couples, best friends) adopt and adapt their communication apps in very personal ways, and in how we can design better tools to support such special relationships. I envision a new model for computer-mediated communication where communication tools belong to people instead of each individual app.

Background and Interests

I have a background in information systems engineering, human-computer interaction and entrepreneurship. For more details you can check my CV or my linked-in profile.

Besides computer-mediated communication, my broader research interests include human-computer partnerships, gestural interaction, customization of user interfaces and instrumental interaction.

These are some of the projects I've been working on:


I teach Innovation and Entrepreneurship Basics and I coach at the Business Development Lab of the 'Human-Computer Interaction and Design" master program at Université Paris-Saclay, part of the EIT Digital Master School.

SIGCHI Volunteer service

For CHI 2017 and CHI 2018 I served as Video Previews Chair, and had the honour of producing the following two teaser videos that were used to promote the conference:



Carla F. Griggio, Arissa J. Sato, Wendy E. Mackay, and Koji Yatani (2021).
Mediating Intimacy with DearBoard: a Co-Customizable Keyboard for Everyday Messaging.
In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021). ACM, Yokohama, Japan, Article 342, 16 pages.
ISBN 9781450380966. 10.1145/3411764.3445757


Carla Griggio, Joanna McGrenere, and Wendy Mackay (2019).
Customizations and Expression Breakdowns in Ecosystems of Communication Apps.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3, CSCW (Nov. 2019), 26.
Carla F Griggio, Midas Nouwens, Joanna McGrenere, and Wendy Mackay (2019).
Augmenting Couples' Communication with Lifelines: Shared Timelines of Mixed Contextual Information.
In Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019) (Glasgow, Scotland).


Carla Griggio (2018).
Designing for Ecosystems of Communication Apps.
Ph.D. Dissertation. Université Paris Saclay (COmUE).


Jessalyn Alvina, Carla F. Griggio, Xiaojun Bi, and Wendy E. Mackay (2017).
CommandBoard: Creating a General-Purpose Command Gesture Input Space for Soft Keyboards.
In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '17). Quebec City, Canada, 17–28.
ISBN 978-1-4503-4981-9. 10.1145/3126594.3126639
Joseph Malloch, Carla F Griggio, Joanna McGrenere, and Wendy Mackay (2017).
Fieldward and Pathward: Dynamic Guides for Defining Your Own Gestures.
In CHI 2017 - Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Denver, USA). ACM, 4266–4277.
Midas Nouwens, Carla F Griggio, and Wendy E. Mackay (2017).
''WhatsApp is for family; Messenger is for friends'': Communication Places in App Ecosystems.
In CHI 2017 - Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Denver, USA). ACM, 727–735.


Carla F Griggio, Nam Giang, Germán Leiva, and Wendy Mackay (2016).
The UIST Video Browser: Creating Shareable Playlists of Video Previews.
In UIST 2016 - 29th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (Tokyo, Japan). ACM, 59–60.