Wanyu “Abby” Liu’s thesis awarded
Wanyu “Abby” Liu received Télécom ParisTech's 1st prize for her thesis.
Wanyu “Abby” Liu, a doctoral student from the HCC team and Télécom ParisTech, received the first prize of Télécom ParisTech's for her thesis entitled "Information theory as a unified tool for understanding human-machine interaction".
Abby was co-supervised by Olivier Rioul (Telecom), Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (LRI) and Yves Guiard (LRI & Telecom) and her thesis was funded by a doctoral grant from Labex Digicosme. Her thesis focuses on the use of information theory tools to better understand and improve human-machine interactive systems.
In 2018, Abby received the first prize (ex aequo) from the STIC Doctoral School of the University of Paris-Saclay. Her work has also been awarded twice at the ACM CHI international conference with a best paper award and an honourable mention.
(Youtube video interview of Wanyu "Abby" Liu)